Air India Flight Tracking

Track every Air India flight live on the flight radar map and stay always up to date about the current flight status. Flight Radar provides you with real-time flight information and shows you the live position of your flight. Watch live flight traffic of Air India from departure till arrival around the globe. With the free online flight tracker you receive the newest information about your Air India flight and many useful details.

Start Air India flight tracker.


Live Flight Tracker: Flight Status & Flight Route Air India

Do you want to know how many Air India flights are currently up in the sky? Or do you want to track a specific Air India flight in real time? With the free online flight tracker you receive all the details about all current Air India flights. To track a flight just click on an airplane on the flight tracker map. The live Air India flight radar shows you the live position of a flight, the flight route, arrival and departure times and many more useful details. You can track a flight from departure till landing and be always informed about the current Air India flight status.

Fly Radar Air India: Live flight tracking of all current flights

On the flight radar map you can see all Air India aircrafts which are up in the sky right now. One click is enough to track any Air India flight till arrival. See all the flight details like the aircraft type, the flight route, flight speed and stay up to date about the flight status. The flight information is shown after clicking on the airplane shown on the map.
Flight radar also let you watch the flight traffic around a specific airport or above any country in the world. Just navigate on the map to the airport or city of your choice and watch the live flight traffic. For a detailied view just zoom out to see all Air India flights around the globe.


Headquarters: Mumbai,  India

Air India, the flag carrier of India, operates a fleet of Airbus and Boeing aircraft serving 102 domestic and international destinations. Each of this destinations can be tracked with the free online Air India flight radar. The airline is the largest international carrier in India and five continents are served by Air India. On 11 July 2014 Air India became a member of Star Alliance.
Recently, on 4th November 2023 Air India entered an interline partnership with Alaska Airlines. This allows Air India to avail seamless connections form New York JFK, Newark-New Jersey, Washington DC, Chicago, San Francisco and Vancouver gateways to and from 32 destinations in the USA, Mexico and Canada. Founded by JRD Tata, the airline has built an extensive network with non-stop flights to cities around the world.