Delta Airlines Flight Tracking

Track a Delta flight live on the map. Get the latest flight status and watch live air traffic on the flight radar map. Know the flight status of all Delta flights, check if a flight has been delayed or canceled and track a flight with a simple click. With the free online flight radar you can track all current Delta flights live on the map, see the exact flight route and many useful flight details.

Track a Delta flight live.


Delta Flight Tracker Live Map: Real time Flight Position And Flight Status

To track a Delta flight and obtain flight details, click on one of the aircraft displayed on the flight radar map. The real-time flight tracker only shows Delta flights that can be tracked live until arrival. So there’s no need to filter, and you can quickly see all Delta aircraft currently in the air. You can see flight delays and cancellations, the live flight status, the average travel time, the location of the aircraft and many more details about your selected flight.

Zoom in and navigate the map to a specific area to see flight traffic over your city or state. Zoom out to see all live Delta flights around the world. All flights you see on the map can be tracked live. Click on any plane on the map to see where it is going or coming from. With the free flight radar you can track all Delta flights live, for free and from any device.

Flight status & tracking for any Delta Airlines flight

Need to pick up a friend at the airport who is flying Delta Airlines? Then the Live Flight Tracker is the solution for you. One of the benefits of using a flight tracker is the ability to receive live flight status updates, so you don’t have to waste time waiting at the airport and checking airline websites for updates. With Delta’s live flight tracker, you can easily access information about departure and arrival times, delays and check the current location of your flight. Access to real-time updates allows you to plan ahead and reduce travel uncertainty.

The interactive flight radar map provides an overview of any Delta flight and access to flight history and statistics. This feature of FlightAware Tracking is especially useful for frequent travelers to gain insight into on-time performance or average delays.

Delta Airlines (DL) Flight Tracker: Facts About The Airline

Hubs: Atlanta, Detroit, Los Angeles, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New York – JFK, New York – LaGuardia, Salt Lake City, Seattle/Tacoma
Headquarters: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Founded in 1924, Delta Airlines is the oldest continuously operating airline in the United States. Together with its regional affiliates and subsidiaries, Delta operates more than 15,000 flights daily. Delta Airlines and Delta Connection serve 304 destinations in 52 countries. Delta’s major hubs and markets are Atlanta, Boston, Detroit, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Minneapolis/St. Paul, New York-JFK, Salt Lake City, Seattle and La Guardia. There are also major hubs and markets in São Paulo, Seoul, Tokyo-Narita, Amsterdam, London-Heathrow and Paris-Charles de Gaulle.
Also interesting to know: Delta was the first airline to offer web-based access to real-time flight information. Delta was also the first airline to ban smoking on flights.

Popular flight numbers of Delta Airlines: 

DL 273, DL 90, DL 408, DL 91, DL 407, DL 74, DL 400, DL 82, DL 166, DL 106, DL 131, DL 48, DL 130, DL 75, DL 200, DL 296, DL 167, DL 57, DL 158, DL 72